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Join Us in Making A Difference

There are so many ways in which you can help, we are very grateful for every donation, we truly appreciate your support - You can donate using our go fund me 'donate now' buttons at the bottom of each page or you can support us in different areas at the orphanage by clicking the link below - this allows you to donate for specific needs or sponsor a child on an ongoing basis. 


Know that your kindness makes a HUGE difference to the lives of the children at the orphanage, not only in the items we can see, like shoes, but the love they feel from the kindness of people we are yet to meet.  Thank you.







Annual Costs - Per Child 


£385.84 a year for food & water

£96 a year for education 

£16 - For shoes - 2 pairs of flip flips & school shoes 

£36 for a childs share of rent 

£12 for school uniform 

£44 for 4 outfits for a child (second hand)


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